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Posted at 09:57 PM in Books, Creativity, Design, Ideas, Learning | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Twitter is recreating the village learning environment. A place where followers (villagers) can chat about their day, what they are having for dinner and how to create new software code or solve other workplace issues. Furthermore promoting informal learning also enhances creativity and encourages people (and businesses) to consider how learning outside structured environments encourages innovation and creativity.
Posted at 10:53 AM in Books, Creativity, Ideas, Learning, Learning 2.0, Storytelling, Web 2.0, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A few posts ago I mentioned that I'd just received a copy of 'Ignore Everybody' by Hugh MacLeod (of gapingvoid). I read the book on the flight to Hobart Tasmania last week, the book makes a great 'airplane book', short, sharp and easily readable.
Posted at 03:08 PM in Books, Creativity, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
6 months of 2009 have already passed me by. Amazon and my local bookstores have been kept pretty busy keeping up with my reading habits and last night I was looking at my bookshelf thinking to myself which books would make a list of the best business books I've read so far this year.
For me, a learning designer, it gave me a greater sense of the importance of the design process in strategic planning within business. As a result, learning within business must be designed as an integral part of the business strategy, rather than as an added extra.
A really great refresher for all learning designers. Learning must be structured so that it has built within it elements that hit the learner right between the eyes. This is what makes knowledge memorable! Andy's book is a great read!
Where once there were small tribes of humans joined together by the proximity of their geography,today tribes are becoming important once more. Through the world-shrinking capabilities of the internet and its many tools, learners, designers of learning and in fact everyone can belong to and indeed lead tribes of people brought together by their shared interests. From this has arisen tribes of online learners working and learning together. Truly global learning!
A different choice, a book on copyright laws and intellectual property! However Lawrence Lessig's book challenges and explores how digital technology has altered who (and how) knowledge and content is created.
In some ways a design book, a reminder for learning designers of the need for elegance in their design of learning solutions . For me the book spoke to me of the need for an elegant solution to the currently overly confused world of elearning. Too many competing tools, no single tool stamping itself as obviously and inherently superior in either its symmetry, seductiveness, simplicity or sustainability.
For me this has been the last of these books I've read. As a fairly new Twitter user this book steps out really clearly how Twitter works, how businesses can use Twitter and for me I have seen uses of Twitter within learning (another upcoming post)
Posted at 05:17 PM in Books, Creativity, Design, Ideas, Learning, Learning 2.0, Web 2.0 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Short and sharp post today! Amazon delivered a package this morning so I'll have some reading material for my trip to Tasmania next week. I've tried resisting reading it already, got 3 chapters in (they're really short!) but then put it down, I'll save it for the flight.
Posted at 03:42 PM in Books, Creativity, Design, Ideas, Visuals, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 10:27 AM in Books, Ideas, Learning, Learning 2.0, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)