I have to begin here by saying, I've never been a fan of lists, I like things a little more 'free-form', I find lists stifling.
Lists put an artificial order on things, they say, after doing/reading this, the next 'logical' point is X. To make matters worse, we tend to prioritise lists by placing numbers next to each point, we tell the reader, 'point 1 before point 2, before point 3....'. When you put something in a list you tend to simplify things because a list is really a series of BRIEF points...no explanation, let's keep things brief!
A list forces you to move on to the next point and the next....until a defined end - no discussion. And of course we've got the dreaded bullet pointed list! Arrgghh! Powerpoint or document, if it's in a bullet-pointed list your mind seems to go into a trance-like automatic state, 'must finish list' your mind repeats over and over! Finally we're all told to use 'To do' lists to 'improve our productivity'! Productive? Only if that means no creativity! I mean, you can't be creative if every moment of your day is 'time-managed' by a 'to do' list?
We are drawn to lists because of their ability to create a sense of certainty and predictability, lists feed our need to be 'in control'. But is it any wonder that we find our creative juices drying up! Isn't it obvious, following a list does NOT encourage creativity.
Lastly, creativity happens when two new ideas collide unexpectedly in your head...and is closely followed by learning. But how can you learn if you follow a list? There's nothing unexpected in a list. Quite simply, lists are the enemy of learning!